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Expect Messages

Expect messages are the error messages that custom methods throw whenever they fail.

@rbxts/expect provides various utility methods to make creating these messages easier, and to help you practice property DRY principles.

what you'll learn
  • What expect messages are
  • The different components of an expect message
  • How to implement your own expect message
  • Guidance on proper usage


ExpectMessageBuilder is how we define the structure of an error message.

We then "populate" this message through methods on ExpectMessageBuilder, when in our custom method.

At the end of our methods, we return this populated instance, and @rbxts/expect will handle throwing the actual error.


To create an ExpectMessageBuilder, you just call the default constructor.

import { ExpectMessageBuilder, place } from "@rbxts/expect";

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${place.actual.value} to equal ${place.expected.value}`,
`Expected ${place.actual.value} to NOT equal ${place.expected.value}`,

The first argument is the message that will be used when your check fails:


The second argument is the message that will be used when your check passes, but it was negated:



You might've noticed these in the previous examples, but placeholders (prefixed with the place keyword) are basically just drop-in replacements for a variety of data that will be automatically populated before your message is thrown.

export interface ActualPlaceholder {
fullValue: string;
type: string;
value: string;
export interface ExpectedPlaceholder {
fullValue: string;
type: string;
value: string;
export interface Placeholder {
actual: ActualPlaceholder;
expected: ExpectedPlaceholder;
index: string;
name: string;
nil: string;
not: string;
path: string;
reason: string;
undefined: string;
export const place: Placeholder;

You'll learn more about each placeholder, and their usage, in the following sections.


To use a message, you call the use method; this will return a copy of the message. With this copy, you can then call various methods on the message to populate data- and use the pass/fail methods to return it.

import { CustomMethodImpl, ExpectMessageBuilder, place } from "@rbxts/expect";

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${} to ${place.not} strictly equal ${place.expected.value}`,

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage.use().expectedValue(expected);

return actual === expected ? message.pass() :;

Not calling use may cause your variables to leak into other (unrelated) messages. It's important to call use before adding data.

The only reason you can populate data before calling use is because this allows you to populate "default" data.

You'll learn more about what this looks like in the metadata section.

Variable data

VariableData is the type used behind the scenes for the "actual" and "expected" variables.

export interface VariableData {
value: unknown;
type?: string;

These correspond to the ActualPlaceholder and ExpectedPlaceholder types as well.

export interface ActualPlaceholder {
fullValue: string;
type: string;
value: string;
export interface ExpectedPlaceholder {
fullValue: string;
type: string;
value: string;


For example, lets say we were checking if two values are equal.

import { ExpectMessageBuilder, place, CustomMethodImpl } from "@rbxts/expect";

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${place.actual.value} (${place.actual.type}) to equal ${place.expected.value} (${place.expected.type})`,

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage

return actual === expected ? message.pass() :;
Expected '5' (number) to equal "5" (string)

Using the helper methods on ExpectMessageBuilder, we "populated" the data for the actual and expected variables in our final message.

Alternatively, you can use the actual and expected methods to populate the value and type at the same time.

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage
value: actual,
type: typeOf(actual),
value: expected,
type: typeOf(expected),

return actual === expected ? message.pass() :;

Automatic behavior

expect automatically populates some data for you, so some of this can actually be removed entirely.


By default, the type property is automatically computed according to the value. So if you're calling typeOf, you don't have to manually populate this.

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage.use().actualValue(actual).expectedValue(expected);

return actual === expected ? message.pass() :;
So why have it

There are certain situations where the inferred type from typeOf may not be desired.

For example, what if we wanted to support a custom class type?

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage.use().expectedValue(expected);

if (isMyCustomType(expected)) {
// logic unique to MyCustomType ...
// ...


By default, the data for actual is automatically computed and populated for you. So if you're not mutating it, or adding additional context- there's no need to do it manually.

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage.use().expectedValue(expected);

return actual === expected ? message.pass() :;
So why have it

While the actual variable is set automatically, sometimes your method has additional context- or a better way to represent the value.

A prime example of this is the enum method.

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${place.actual.value} to equal ${place.expected.value}`);

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, enumTable, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage.use().expectedValue(expected);
const valueAsEnum = enumTable[actual];
// ...

So instead of this output:

Expected '0' to equal "Basketball"

We can get this output:

Expected "Soccer" to equal "Basketball"

Full Value

You might have noticed that there's a property on the placeholder types called fullValue that isn't present on the VariableData types.

export interface ActualPlaceholder {
fullValue: string;
type: string;
value: string;
export interface ExpectedPlaceholder {
fullValue: string;
type: string;
value: string;

By default, the value property is what we call the "collapsed" version of the value.

This means that it respects the collapseLength as defined in the config.

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${place.actual.value} to be empty\nFullValue: ${place.actual.fullValue}`,
Expected '[...]' to be empty
FullValue: '[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]'

You can use the fullValue property to ignore the collapseLength and attach the full version of the value.

This allows you to keep the first sentence of your check short and easy to read, while also providing enough data after the first message- to debug the issue.


Some of the placeholders are either drop-ins for certain words, or are only present given a certain context.


The not placeholder is a drop-in for the word "NOT", but is only present if your message is negated.

This can come in handy when the only difference between your failure message and your negated message is the word "NOT".

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${place.actual.value} to ${place.not} be empty`);

// is the same as
new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${place.actual.value} to be empty`,
`Expected ${place.actual.value} to NOT be empty`,

By default, if you don't provide a negated message as the second argument of your ExpectMessageBuilder constructor call, it defaults to the first argument (your standard failure message).

This allows you to take full advantage of the not keyword.


The nil and undefined placeholders are drop-ins for the word "nil".

For example, let's say we were checking if an object was an arry:

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${place.actual.value} to be an array`);

In our method, we could do something like this:

message.actualValue(actualValue ?? place.nil);

Then, (if actual was undefined) our output would come out like so:

Expected 'nil' to be an array

Behind the scenes, expect automatically does this for the actual and expected values.

The placeholders are provided anyways to allow you to do something similiar for nested values, or values beyond actual and expected.


The path placeholder maps to the path on nested variables.

When working with tables, you might want to retain the path to the property that failed.

Using a path, you can specify a place in your message for this data to be provided.

While you can call the path method to manually provide this data, proxies will automatically provide this for you.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`${place.path} - Expected ${place.actual.value} to be an array`); - Expected '2' to be an array


The name placeholder maps to either the path or the value of the actual.

A common theme in messages in to display the path when working with tables, and display the actual value when working with non tables.

Using a name, you can specify to use the path whenever it's available, but fallback to the actual value.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to be an array`);
withProxy(person, (p) => {
Expected to be an array

Custom names

The default name is the value of the actual variable. But you can override this default via the name method.

For example, maybe you wanna attach the type alongside the value.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to be an array`).name(`${place.actual.value} (${place.actual.type})`);
Expected '5' (number) to be an array


Metadata is additional data that follows after the main message, in the format of key: value.

Lets say we're checking that all the values in an array are equal to an expected value.

for (const [index, value] of ipairs(actual)) {
message.metadata({ Index: index, Value: value });
if (value !== expected) return;
Expected '[1,1,2]' to all be equal to '1', but there was a value that was not.

Index: 3
Value: 2

Metadata is useful for data that is only known at runtime, or data that is only needed for additional debugging- and should be seperate from the main contents of the message.


Metadata is sorted alphabetically in the output, but priority is placed for the following keys (in order): 'index', 'key', 'value', 'expected', 'actual'.

So if any of those keys are in your metadata, they'll come before the rest of your metadata. The capitalization doesn't matter either, so long as the keys are exactly equal.

Kind of metadata

Beyond the base metadata, there are additional kinds of metadata that only get attached under certain circumstances.

Failure metadata

Failure metadata is metadata that is only attached to the message if your check fails.

A failure is effectively the same thing as !negated. Useful for when you wanna conditionally attach data, but only when the case is not a negation.

Lets say we're checking that all the values in an array are equal to an expected value.

for (const [index, value] of ipairs(actual)) {
message.failureMetadata({ Index: index, Value: value });
if (value !== expected) return;
Expected '[1,1,2]' to all be equal to '1', but there was a value that was not.

Index: 3
Value: 2

This might look the same as using a normal metadata, but the difference comes into play when the result is a pass.

If we used normal metadata, and our check was passed- but it was negated:

expect([1, 1, 1]).to.not.allEqual(1);
Expected '[1,1,1]' to NOT all be equal to '1'.

Index: 3
Value: 1

But if we use failureMetadata instead, it won't be attached in the case of a pass:

Expected '[1,1,1]' to NOT all be equal to '1'.

Failure metadata will come after any attached (base) metadata, if there's any present.

Nested metadata

Nested metadata is metadata that is only attached to the message if there's a path present.

Useful for when you wanna conditionally attach data, but only when the case is on nested objects.

A very common use-case is attaching data about the actual value for nested objects when using a name, so you still get the path to the variable in the initial message.

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value} (${place.expected.type})`,
.name(`${place.actual.value} (${place.actual.type})`)
[place.path]: `${place.actual.value} (${place.actual.type})`,
Expected parent.age to equal "5" (string)

parent.age: '5' (number)

Nested metadata will come before all other metadata types (including the "base" metadata), if there's any present.

Surface metadata

Surface metadata is metadata that is only attached to the message if there's NOT a path present.

Effectively the opposite of nested metadata.

Useful for when you wanna conditionally attach data, but only when the case is on non nested objects.

For example, let's say we were checking if an object was empty, and we wanted to use the name the object to keep the message short:

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to ${place.not} be empty`)
.name("the object")
.nestedMetadata({ [place.path]: place.actual.value });

We might have logic like so:

if (amount > 1) {
return message.suffix(`, but it had ${amount} keys`).surfaceMetadata({ Value: place.actual.value }).fail();
Expected parent.parent to be empty, but it had 2 keys

parent.parent: '{"name":"Daymon","age":24}'

Surface metadata (like nested metadata) will come before all other metadata types (including the "base" metadata), if there's any present.


The reason placeholder is a a utility placeholder for describing why the check failed.

A lot of times, your check might me making multiple assertions, or have different errors depending on the context.

Using a reason, you can specify a place in your message for this data to be provided.

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value}, but ${place.reason}`,

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage.use().expectedValue(expected);

if (typeOf(actual) !== typeOf(expected)) {
return message.reason("it was a different type").fail();

if (actual !== value) {
return message.reason("it had a different value").fail();

// apply a default reason for negations
return message.reason("it did").pass();
Expected "4" to equal '4', but it was a different type
Expected '10' to equal '10', but it was a different type
Expected '10' to NOT equal '10', but it did

You can use the helper method failWithReason to provide a reason and return a fail at the same time.

return message.failWithReason("it was a different type");

// is the same as
return message.reason("it was a different type").fail();

Automatic attachment

If you don't have a place in your message for reason to be populated, but still call "provide" a reason via the reason method, then the message builder will automatically attach a Reason: ${place.reason} after your message.

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value}`);

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage.use().expectedValue(expected);

if (typeOf(actual) !== typeOf(expected)) {
return message.reason("it was a different type").fail();

if (actual !== value) {
return message.reason("it had a different value").fail();

return message.pass();
Expected "4" to equal '4'
Reason: it was a different type

This way, you can add a reason whenever you need it, without needing to find a predefined spot for it in your message.


If your message has any metadata attach to it, the Reason: message line will come before it.

Prefix types

The base message is typically referred to as the "prefix" of your message, in contrast to all the data that follows.

But there are a few different types of prefixes your message can have.

Failure prefix

Otherwise known as the "base" prefix. This is the prefix attached to your messages whenever your check fails.

You can specify this prefix when creating your ExpectMessageBuilder instance.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to equal ${place.expected.value}`);

You can also also append this prefix with the appendPrefix method.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to equal ${place.expected.value}`).appendPrefix(", but it was not");

// Would be the same as
new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${} to equal ${place.expected.value},
but it was not`,

Or when you call use, you can provide an additional message to append as well.

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to equal ${place.expected.value}`);

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage.use(", but it was not").expectedValue(expected);

return actual === expected ? message.pass() :;

Negated prefix

The negated prefix is a prefix that replaces the failure prefix, but only when your message is negated.

You can specify this prefix (as the second argument) when creating your ExpectMessageBuilder instance.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${} to equal ${place.expected.value}`,
`Expected ${} to NOT equal ${place.expected.value}`,

Calling appendPrefix and use will also append to the negation prefix.


By default, the negation prefix is set to be the same as the failure prefix.

This allows you to do things like this:

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value}`);

Trailing failure prefix

The trailing failure prefix is a prefix that is attached to the end of your prefix, but only if the check fails.

Another way to look at it is that it's a prefix attached to the end of your failure prefix, but NOT your negated prefix.

You can specify a trailing failure prefix with the trailingFailurePrefix method.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value}`).trailingFailurePrefix(
", but it was not",

// Would be the same as
new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${} to equal ${place.expected.value}, but it was not`,
`Expected ${} to NOT equal ${place.expected.value}`,

Alternatively, you can specify a trailing failure prefix as the second argument of your use call.

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to equal ${place.expected.value}`);

const equal: CustomMethodImpl<defined> = (_, actual: defined, expected: defined) => {
const message = baseMessage.use("", ", but it was not").expectedValue(expected);

return actual === expected ? message.pass() :;

Suffix types

Suffixes are messages that come after the prefix, but before the metadata.

Failure suffix

This is the suffix attached to your messages whenever your check fails.

You can specify a string for this suffix via the suffix method.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value}`)
.suffix(` because ${place.reason}`)
.appendPrefix(", but it was not");

// Would be the same as
new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value},
but it was not because ${place.reason}`,

Negation suffix

The negation suffix is a suffix that replaces the failure suffix, but only when your message is negated.

You can specify a string for this suffix via the negationSuffix method.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value}`)
.suffix(", but it was not.")
.negationSuffix(", but it did");

// Would be the same as
new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${} to equal ${place.expected.value}, but it was not.`,
`Expected ${} to NOT equal ${place.expected.value}, but it did.`,

Trailing failure suffix

The trailing failure suffix is a suffix that is attached to the end of your suffix, but only if the check fails.

Another way to look at it is that it's a suffix attached to the end of your failure suffix, but NOT your negation suffix.

You can specify a trailing failure suffix with the trailingFailureSuffix method.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value}`)
.suffix(", but it was not.")
.negationSuffix(", but it did")
.trailingFailureSuffix(` because ${place.reason}`);

// Would be the same as
new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${} to equal ${place.expected.value}, but it was not because ${place.reason}`,
`Expected ${} to NOT equal ${place.expected.value}, but it did because ${place.reason}`,


You can configure certain output behaviors for your ExpectMessageBuilder instances via the ExpectMessageBuilderOptions interface.

export interface ExpectMessageBuilderOptions {
trimSpaces: boolean;
wrapValues: boolean;
attachFullOnCollapse: boolean;
trimWhiteSpace: boolean;

You pass this interface as the third argument to your ExpectMessageBuilder constructor call.

new ExpectMessageBuilder(`Expected ${} to equal ${place.expected.value}`, undefined, {
trimWhiteSpace: false,

Trim spaces


By default, trimSpaces is enabled.

The trimSpaces option is for trimming the spaces around placeholders when they're absent.

For example, given the following message:

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`Expected ${place.actual.value} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value}`,

If the statement was not negated, that means that ${place.not} would be absent.

Expected 5 to equal 5

Wrap values


By default, wrapValues is enabled.

The wrapValues option is for wrapping VariableData in quotes when output.

Strings are wrapped in double quotes ("), while everything else is wrapped in single quotes (').

Expected '5' to equal "daymon"

Attach full on collapse


By default, attachFullOnCollapse is enabled.

The attachFullOnCollapse option is for automatically attaching the full version of variables whenever they end up collapsed.

Expected {...} to equal {...}

Expected (full): '{ name: "Daymon", age: 5 }'
Actual (full): '{ name: "Daymon", age: 6 }'

Useful for ensuring your primary failure message is short (and easy to read quickly), while retaining further details for debugging.

Also allows you to take full advantage of collapsing, without needing to manually attach place.actual.fullValue and place.expected.fullValue.

Trim white space


By default, trimWhiteSpace is enabled.

The trimWhiteSpace option is for trimming the white space around the entire message, after it's been full built.

Lets say you appended the path to the start of your messages:

const baseMessage = new ExpectMessageBuilder(
`${place.path} Expected ${place.actual.value} to ${place.not} equal ${place.expected.value}`,

If the statement ended up not having a path, your message would come out with a leading space.

 Expected 5 to equal 4

Custom encoding

Sometimes, you need to add variables to your message that are outside the scope of the actual and expected variables.

A good example of this is our deepEquals method.

Expected '{...}' to deep equal '{...}', but 'cars' was missing some elements

Expected: '["Tesla","Civic"]'
Actual: '["Tesla"]'
Missing: '["Civic"]'

Expected (full): '{"name":"Daymon","cars":["Tesla","Civic"]}'
Actual (full): '{"name":"Daymon","cars":["Tesla"]}'

You can use the encode method on your ExpectMessageBuilder instances to mirror this behavior.

return message
.suffix(`, but '${result.path}' was missing some elements`)
Actual: message.encode(result.leftValue),
Expected: message.encode(result.rightValue),
Missing: message.encode(result.leftMissing),

There are various parameters you can pass to encode for further configuration.

For the sake of keeping this page short, we won't get into them here. If you'd like to learn more about them, take a look at the api docs for encode.

Best practices

  • Keep proxies in mind: Ensure your output messages are adjusted in a way that is easily consumable when used alongside proxies.
  • Provide context: If your check fails because of a certain key or index, ensure that key or index is included in your output. Your message should contain enough metadata so that someone can properly debug the issue without needing to rewrite the test just to get further details.
  • Call use before populating with values: It's fine to call methods to add placeholder or static values before calling use, but failing to call use before adding invocation specific data (such as the expected value, or index values) will cause your expect message to leak values into subsquent callers.
  • Use nested metadata when using names: If a path is used, you lose the data associated about your variable when you use a name. To ensure this data is present, take advantage of nestedMetadata.


Let's recap what we've learned about expect messages:

  • They define the structure of an error message
  • They get populated within our custom methods
  • They can be used alongside placeholders to define drop-in sites for common variables
  • They define how a message changes when used with proxies or when the check is negated
  • They can provide metadata to follow after the message for additional context